Photo by Sally Mortemore 2011

She sits alone, but bravely stands with

others travelling a rough road —

blind footed along a clear

path — recalling those who 

have gone before – to

smooth the strains of


where hearts



Written in response to: #OpposingForcesSaturday Mix | Categories: Saturday MixWritten Prompt | URL: https://wp.me/p4t2PZ-5MV https://wp.me/p2qy2z-h4

Prompt given:

Opposing Forces – Saturday Mix, 28 August 2021by weejars
Welcome to the Saturday Mix, 28 August 2021!
This week we are dipping our toes into the pool of OPPOSITES.
Our challenge is all about “opposing forces” and the use of antithesis in our writing.
You will need to use the two opposing words in your response – which can be poetry or prose.
Our words this week are:– 
rough and smooth
sit and stand

I have also written it in the form of a NONET consisting of 9 lines. The first line contains 9 syllables each line thereafter decreasing by one syllable per line ending with the 9th line being of one syllable only.


Photo by Sally Mortemore 2012

It is late – at tge window

a black balloon bounces on the helium of expectation 

its painted face unsparingly fustian in attitude.

Distempered eyes tragically aware.

An odious memory culled from childhood  

held by the umbilical string 

tied tight around its knotted throat.  

It peers through the slit in the curtains 

unquestionably sikent

as the sleeping pills  

ease their way into the blood —

the waiting game 

mere reminiscence,

until the string drops,

the cord finally cut,

leaving a legacy of ‘nothing’

as the spirit bird flies up;

the balloon —

no longer in existence.


In response to the prompt Wordle #253


9 words used out of the 12 given which were:

Fustian- pompous or bombastic, as language.
Cull- to select and remove from a group, especially to discard or destroy as inferior: 

to discard unwanted parts or remove choice parts from (a group):

to collect; gather: pluck
Sleeping Pills

Creative WritingcullfustianinspirationMindlovemisery’s MenagerievocabularyWordlewriting challenge https://wp.me/p4t2PZ-5Sa


The gentle pull of Saturn kicks upon invisible strings inexorably tethered to my spirit, and as a captive I succumb unto the judgement of its wisdom —

the darkness a tidal moment to reflect upon. 

Moments of isolation feed my need with sustenance, and the caress of water cleanses clouds and washes them aside —

my heart bathing in the extreme humility of nature.

To ruminate for a ruminant is a blessing, as the Tohubohu of the mind impetuously dissolves  into a surprising state of calm

and as the goat of Capricorn awakes within me

I push forever onward, each crack and extreme angle negotiated with the self assuredness I blithely recognise as the determined creature —

I frequently forget I am.


Written in response to the prompt WORDLE #253

Water, Mention, Newspaper, Clip, Impetuous, Tohubohu- a state of chaos/confusion, Extreme, Ruminate, Caress, Angle, Kick, Surprise.

Words I used from the above:

Water, Impetuous, Tohubohu, Extreme, Ruminate, Caress, Angle, Kick, Surprise.

mindlovemisery Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p4t2PZ-5RL


Her would-be children dance within an empty nest of self derision

where love twists around a constancy of hate

for they will never have their longed for state of being born.

rain of youthful passion forged a drought

an unproductive womb in desolation –

and now her anguish at her singular existence aches

for all the children she will never get to meet.

SM 2021

Writing Prompt: Opposing Forces

Our words this week were:

– love and hate

– rain and drought

With many thank yous


URL: https://wp.me/p4t2PZ-5MO